Saturday, January 2, 2010

Thought Of The Day

We can be strong. We can also be as weak as our lowest point allows us to be. Somewhere in between is a voice of reason monitoring our vulnerability. Even the strongest of us have wept... Its ok to show emotion.


Friday, January 1, 2010

Fashion Forward Interior Design

Since their start in 2004 Jimmie Martin Ltd., a London based high end brand has been commissioned quite a few notable projects. In a sense the pair are the rock star furniture designers of this generation. Graphics, bright colors, goth; considerably the perfect formula for the future of something great in design.

These Andy Warhol inspired designers have been commissioned works for the likes of Kylie Minogue, Kelly Osbourne, The Surrey Hotel-NY, and Monaco Bay Hotel.

Kylie Chair

Pink Cocktail Cabinet- STYLE Magazine photo shoot

PIMP WITH VISION Design for Kara Mann - Chicago designer and agent - Image from Chicago showroom

Guggenheim 50th Anniversary Restaurant

After just writing a paper on the The Basque Region and the Guggenheim: Bilbao, I found it very fit to highlight Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim in New York as it turns 50 and celebrates with the opening of a new restaurant.

It was great to find the architect in classic FLW fashion, used geometry as the catalyst for this project. The straight and curvilinear lines make a space that I felt to be very reminiscent of his Buckner Library Building at Florida Southern College in Lakeland, FL. It is safe to say that all things Frank whether it be a project that was commissioned to him or a project dedicated to him there will always be that scene of Frank Lloyd Wright's presence.

To read the full article on the restaurant opening visit the POINTclickHOME website.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thought Of The Day

Although its not starting over, its turning the page. Sometimes even the beginning of a new chapter. Leave what's needs to be, left on the previous page & prepare for whats next to come because the story has just begun!

Ms. K"L"

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Thought Of The Day

We can't expect people to do things for us, taking from them on a consistant basis w/o giving anything back in return. Making the mistake of believing kindness is weakness is an age old remedy for Karma. Do unto others as they do unto you.

Ms. K"L"

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Just my Baby verse......

You kno the type that holds you down
Any time that you frown, she can make you smile
Have u going crazy like Cee Low and Danger Mouse
Have ya niggas saying, damn that's the only chick that comes outta ya mouth
Well I'm like Busta, I love my chick
And after I'm finish she be like "I loves my stick"
We ain't even together but I love this shit
We got big shit popping get on our tip
Mature enough to know its no need for a relationship
Just friends, part timing, with benifits
Few arguements, no fight and shit
Cause when it gets to hot we stay out of hell's kitchen
And did I say never get put on suspention and never serving detention
Friends first, any problems when solve them on the daily
Yea, now that's just my baby...................                                                 

-Johnny Fantaztic


I say I use to love him, Common said he use to love her.
Flashbacks of my heart damn near attacked on the fast track, had me believing that I could never love another.
I've always been a sucka for sweet shit like lyrics, pretend to be a hard bitch but either way you look at it, I'm just a hard ass lover undercover.
Because I'm woman.
Put my mind at ease,
Sit back Keish, kick off your shoes and relax your feet, party on down to a Fantastic beat.
Right now
We just kickin it,
A little mind escaping long distance friendship, common love for a penship. Conversations endless.
Right now
I wasn't looking for the company
He found me in a game of hide and seek
Peek-a-boo boosky, one hand over my eyes and the other out wide waiting cuz he never ceases to surprise me.
Even when he's mad at me, he's still digging me.
Chitown pimptress I try to be, magic carpet riding through dudes fantasties flip side realities.
Yet... He still feels me?
Just a friend, part timing huh?
Right now
I say after I love him I'd never again love them, Common said he use to love her
Friends turned benefits, turned "I think I could love her."
So I turned to him...


FOLLOW Johnny's journey on twitter @johnnnyfantaztic.

Thought Of The Day

Every doubt in your mind is linked to your abilities & simultaneously works to add a brick to the wall that YOU'RE building around them. The only limitations in life are the ones you create. Break down the barriers.

Ms. K"L"

Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday Night Slam

Welcome to my Monday Night Slam. I wrote this first one a while ago. But I thought about the person earlier today and thought I would share it with you. Remember everyone's inspiration! Enjoy.


Where’s the progress? He claimed that she was replacin’ him with loneliness which made him no longer interested. How could I be ok with this? Hold on to their relationship, so when he completely let go, I’d be there to be the replacement chick. Ok, this is more than inconsiderate. Ok, how could you be ok with this? Life IS about choices, but even so, now you lie in 2 voices. I lie in a bed once visited by a him that pretended he was divorcin’ her. Now I’m fendin’ for my emotions. Once open to lyrical potions and conversation loathing, your phone could buzz and her text messages went unnoticed. You were open, like how I was hopin’ for more than neck blowin’ by candlelight, but that went unnoticed. Where’s the progress in numb motions? I regained my focus like she who was your token did. Rustier than that that is potent and less golden than sunshine. Ha Sunshine is always golden. As my phone went a buzzin’, his text messages go unnoticed. I see his name and delete them. Hmmmmmm... I released him. I bet that one was noticed.m