Friday, October 15, 2010

Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day: Focusing too much on the big picture may hinder it from reaching our grasp. We don't just make it to the big screen w/o taking the necessary steps to get there. We have to be able to tame our farsighted & focus on the process. W/o process, progress may never live.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day: As much as we may hate to admit, we can't wait for the present because its already here. But as real as it is, time waits for not even the royalist of kings. How long will you sleep with the light on before you realize you're only burning electricity?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thought of the Day

Thought of the Day: You essentially lose a sense of who you are if you try to forget where you've been. How else will you know where you're going? These things about you are points on a road map guiding you to your destination. Don't scratch them in fear of how you'll be perceived.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Thought of the Day

‎​Thought of the Day: We can't expect everyone to understand what we may have had to endure to get to this point of our lives. Struggle isn't to be sympathized with, but admired anyway. All people can see is the now; what strength looks like. Maybe that is enough.