Monday, May 10, 2010

Passwords As A Psychic

I mark the memory of them on a login screen. Type text, in a little box. For a moment in time I could almost relive meetings of our paths. Then I press enter and on to the next screen... "J_BabyD102 is now following you on twitter!" and all is forgotten until the next login.

I'm not sure as to why I honor those from my past by creating them a custom made memory head stone. One that I visit almost everyday, several times a day even. Now I wonder is it a means of me being able to predict who comes and goes in my life? Speaking a short lived relationship, friendship or acquaint ship into existence?Initially I create the password because its easy to remember. "Easy to remember hard to forget"?... In a way. But I think I rationalize it as "easy to remember, not a challenge".

I often keep those in my life who I feel I can learn from and genuinely can like on a regular basis, lol. I mean, when they're at what is considered their best and when they're at their moodiest. A person who's flaws I can live with because I can see the good in them and one who won't try to change me because we're different people.

In my subconscious state, creating email passwords with HINTS about a person that is in present in my life at the time of setting up a new account, is a sign of a FUTUR HISORTY. No one anticipates being a memory, nothing more nothing less.Some good memories, some bad, some faint.

Interestingly enough, one thing I can say is that I don't see myself creating any new email accounts any time soon. For now everyone in my life is safe from elimination.