Friday, October 22, 2010

Thought of the Day

Positive energy is infectious and spreads like wild fire! Share a smile with someone today. The conscious gesture may make there day! :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Thought of the Day

STRESS. We generally take the wrong approaach to it. Although there's enough to go around like those cookies that are the highlight of the annual office holiday party, we don't have to foster it into our lives. Don't stress the things you have no control over. You just might live longer.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thought of the Day

I never understood why people can't come to a resolution or just let things go. Don't aim to conflict harm or wish misfortune upon another, because that won't be the end of it for you. In the words of Lauryn Hill, "Don't you understand universal law? What you throw out comes back to you, duh."

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Thought of the Day

Never put all your marbles in one basket. As much as we may plan for something to go a certain way, life doesn't always workout accordingly. We have to prepare for the good that we anticipated but also the unexpected

Monday, October 18, 2010

Thought of the Day

‎​When you make choices that are a product of your thoughts and feelings, its like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. True happiness is achieved when you do for self.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Exploded Thought of the Day

This week I concluded that my life as a college student is more unbalanced than a checkbook. Everything overlaps, and its almost too difficult to remember what task was for what class, student organizations, work and outside activities. But as a college student, I also have to realize that I am an adult and have adult responsibilities and they're there will be times that I will be faced with tough choices. And yep, these too will require adult decisions.

Over the past couple of days, I've had to face the facts that I'm no super woman. So I've prioritized for the remainder of the semester with what will really aid in me becoming the person that I truly aim to be. Look forward to most updated including writings about art, design, community development and my personal projects.

Here's an excert from my current read, Maya Lin's Systematic Landscapes:

"Experience is compounded of feeling and thought. Human feeling is not a succession of discrete sensations; rather memory and anticipation are able to weild sensory impacts into a shifting stream of experience so that we may speak of a life of feeling as we do of a life of thought. It is a common tendency to regard feeling and thought as opposed, the one registering subjective states, the other reporting on objective reality. In fact, they lie near the two ends of an experimental continuum, and both are ways of knowing." -Yi-Fu Tuan