Friday, May 28, 2010

Mind Tide

Balance is foreign to me.
I take ease in an uneven paved ground.
Cracks in the sidewalk.
Pot holes in the road.
That creates a peace for me.
If at all I could keep my balance in a room where the only light was from that from a street post, slightly framing the window, and outlining the place on the hardwood that I would stand, from my heel to my big toe, 
My shadow would portray a figure of speech,
saying "Hello, I am who I am. A swaying, knee shaking, lip quivering me."

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Inspiration: Cheryl Durst, IIDA Exec. VP & CEO

Meet Cheryl Durst, the Executive Vice President and CEO of the International Interior Design Association. She came to the Association in 1997 and has been working her way up the chains of command ever since.

 As EVP and CEO, Cheryl has successfully navigated the Association and its Board, through a serious debt crisis and 18-month financial turnaround, and has implemented policies, procedures and an operational structure that has put the Association on firm financial footing. -From the IIDA Board of Directors page

Learn more about Cheryl and her efforts and experiences as an Executive in her own words.

USGBC Opportunity

GreenBuild 2010 is scheduled for November 17-19th in Chicago. Registration is now open. Students and young professionals under the age of 25 have the opportunity to volunteer 8 hours of your time and receive free admission.

Register to volunteer early to better your chances!

NeoCon 2010

NeoCon is right around the corner! Don't forget to register at

And follow me and the rest of the Citizen Blogger team as we give up updates up until the day of and throughout the conference about products, exhibitors, meet ups and more!