Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday Night Slam

Welcome to my Monday Night Slam. I wrote this first one a while ago. But I thought about the person earlier today and thought I would share it with you. Remember everyone's inspiration! Enjoy.


Where’s the progress? He claimed that she was replacin’ him with loneliness which made him no longer interested. How could I be ok with this? Hold on to their relationship, so when he completely let go, I’d be there to be the replacement chick. Ok, this is more than inconsiderate. Ok, how could you be ok with this? Life IS about choices, but even so, now you lie in 2 voices. I lie in a bed once visited by a him that pretended he was divorcin’ her. Now I’m fendin’ for my emotions. Once open to lyrical potions and conversation loathing, your phone could buzz and her text messages went unnoticed. You were open, like how I was hopin’ for more than neck blowin’ by candlelight, but that went unnoticed. Where’s the progress in numb motions? I regained my focus like she who was your token did. Rustier than that that is potent and less golden than sunshine. Ha Sunshine is always golden. As my phone went a buzzin’, his text messages go unnoticed. I see his name and delete them. Hmmmmmm... I released him. I bet that one was noticed.m


  1. This is the type of piece I'd like to see performed!!

  2. I Feel This, Because I've Lived This.. LOVE <3

  3. Thank Kim! I'll see about the performing thing :-/

    Yes Ms. PowerBitch... It's crazy how as many times a person can says they won't put themseleves in this situation. Because I know I have. But sometimes its beyond your control. You've fallen before you've realize that you're the other woman... crazy.

    Thanks for the comments, they fuel my inspiration to keep writing! And so it will be, i'll keep writing! :-)
