Saturday, October 24, 2009

Corinne's Sit Down for OMM

I know that we've all been awaiting her return, but after the sudden death of her husband due to an overdose, Corinne Bailey Rae, vanished from the limelight. Rae, who was at the peak of her career, was forced to deal with something that no one can prepare themselves for. I recently experienced a sudden death of a close family member, but I could only say that I understand the type of pain that she was facing to a certain extent, when she got the call in the midst of adjusting to international fame. I believe that she chose the right time for a come back. She has a new look, deeper lyrics, and a sound that is much diffferent from her 2006 chart topper self titled "Corinne Bailey Rae"; I can hear the growth in what she's recorded so far. She recently sat down with the UK's Observer for an interview. Take a look.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Behind the Looking Glass that is KFC

In a city that I deamed "The Second City That Never Sleeps", the hours of creative productivity are endless here in Chicago. Not to far beyond the glass wall of KFC in which I sit behind its interior, is Wabash Ave. And beyond that is one of the many buildings that belong to Columbia College Chicago aka Creativity productivity! This is a plaza of spaces holding just a few of the works produced by Columbia students. There's a gallery, Found: Contemporary China Design, housing furniture and photographs that tell a story of China's culture; Shop Columbia, a Columbia student ran and showcase of items created by Columbia students; everything from jewelry, clothing, screens, and indie albums. And The Art + Design Building also known as "623 Wabash". This building is a 4 year retreat to students in Fashion Design, Product Design, Graphic Design and my department, Interior Architecture. This is has become my home away from home. If not on my department's floor in one of the many drafting labs, I'll be engaged in topics and discussion in one of the many lecture series put on by the Portfolio Center. Through the portion that I have come in contact with, within this small radius of Columbia's campus, I'm already a more valuable asset to the industry than when I started a matriculation here only a few months ago. Nothing's better than gaining knowledge that is power!

Monday, October 19, 2009

This summer's Taste of Chicago

Check out the Anniversary Issue of Her Journey Magazine. Her Journey takes you to Costa Rica, and Chicago; a travel delight of The Taste of Chicago featuring me!!! View my contributor's profile on pg. 5 and article on pg. 15!!! Enjoy :-)