Friday, February 12, 2010

Thought of The Day

There's a has to be a defined line between some friendships and business relationships. And once you realize what that line is, you find that you can't be in business with everyone you're friends with and vice versa.

~Ms. K"L"

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thought of The Day

When people underestimate your abilities to do great things, because they will, don't crumble. Show them better that you can tell them.

~Ms. K"L"

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Thought of The Day

I sat and leaned over to rest against an arm post that wasn't there; backward to rest on a chair back that wasn't there. If we have the ability to sit up straight on a bench, why do we rely so much on the support of a chair? At some point we must all sit up straight on our own.

~Ms. K"L"

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Thought of The Day

I'm out of breathe and my eyes are burning. But my mind still works and my limbs have feeling in them and I have a sense of direction. So I'll keep going.

~Ms. K"L"

Monday, February 8, 2010

Thought of The Day

I say, "LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL!". So much negativity surrounding is is causing hate depression and stress. If reminiscing on good times is what it takes, then do that. Treat those memories like roll over minutes; if that's what it takes for you to realize that troubles don't last, then do that.

~Ms. K"L"