Tuesday, January 12, 2010



I've dreamed of u I've fallen in love you, even though my meaning of you has not been fulfilled. I've grasped for you in my beautiful nightmares. We've walk side by side, hand in hand. I now know what love is. Is this what they mean when they say "I'm in love?" I never knew that feeling before u came along. In all my 23 years this is one feeling I haven't experienced.this is something new... Brand new. My passion for u makes me vulnerable. Willing to do damn near whatever it takes, create damn near whatever I can make... I am in love with you but are you in love with me? Are you good for me? You know some people can't handle it when they get their hands on you... Will you change me? Redefine my character? I've dreamed of you. I held you tight in my arms as I slept but I remained cold. Cold hearted and cold bodied. My hands drew cold pictures my voice sang cold songs What was missing? I thought love conquered all? I've dreamed of you. We wrote beautiful haikus of how we felt for each other. My haikus received negative reviews from our loved ones. They didn't see the love in you that I saw. But I longed for you because you were in my dreams. Is this what they mean when they say "I'm in love?" I've dreamed of u. A dream of what will be my reality. Hello SUCCESS! It is nice to finally meet you. By the way, I am in love with you



As hard as I've fallen I never hit the ground
A bungee gripped my ankle, bound by the spirals in your hair.
Yet... you did not fall from the highest cliffs of ignorance, judgement, shattered moments, heartache and painstaking tears.
Even after that one night under a southern lit sky that changed a love affair with a man I thought I'd marry for three years.
It was never too much for you to take in.
Never too much to transfer from my heart through a pen
To the spiral bound confession booth of sins.
Down in the depths of my soul I felt that I had a friend with potential benefits
A Beethoven classic mixed with a 90s R&B hit.
It hits.
A homie lover friend.
And it hits every time I think about what tomorrow may bring.
Leaping up through the clouds and
Reaching an altitude of maximum, turning and twisting back down.
But I'm not scared,
I think to myself right before I hit The ground
Because regardless of the end result in my words I have been found.
And that in itself is my success.


Follow Rae's journey on Twitter @CEO_RaeStar. Also visit http://ceoraestar.blogspot.com

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