Thursday, January 7, 2010

Headache Blues

So this headache is trying to keep me down. It started last night and crept it's way into today. At this point it has me right where it wants me; in a horizontal fetal position staring into the firey honeycomb grill of the space heater... And now noticing the chair railing on the wall is a lot lower then I thought. Interesting. Random thoughts gather at the meeting point that is my temple. They scream over my central thoughts causing me to fight back. "I have to do this, this, this, and this and wow look at the snowing cover the peaks on the fence." The last 2 hours of my life have wasted away to a daggum headache that doesn't care about anything but harvesting itself in the confinement of my mental. Of course how selfishly brillant of you. Having your cake and eating it too. The next hour is crucial to making this thing go away. Mr. Headache meet Mr. Eviction notice...

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